Education & Training

  • PhD 2017

    School of Materials Science

    Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Ishikawa-923, Japan

  • MPhil 2010


    Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka-1000. Bangladesh

  • MS 2002 ( held in 2006) ( First Class ; Merit Position : 4th Place)


    University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

  • BSc (Hons.) 2001 ( held in 2004) ( First Class ; Merit Position : 4th Place)


    University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

Honors, Awards and Grants

  • October 2013 - March 2014
    MEXT (Monobukagakusho) Scholarship

     Japanese Government, Japan

  • April 2014 - March 2017
    MEXT (Monobukagakusho) Scholarship

     Japanese Government, Japan

  • 2016
    JAIST President Award, Japan

    02 March, 2017, JAIST, Japan

  • 2015
    Best Poster Award, JAIST-SAST, Japan

    JAIST Symposium on Advanced Science & Technology (JAIST-SAST 2015)  JAIST, Japan.

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Studies on the microstructure, magnetic and electrical transport properties of Dy-substituted Mg–Cu–Zn ferrites

M. Hassan, M. R. Shikder and Muhammad Samir Ullah


Influence of Dy content on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Mg Cu–Zn ferrites having the compositions Mg0.4Cu0.2Zn0.4DyxFe2-xO4 (where x = 0.0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, and 0.04) is reported in this study. An x-ray diffraction pattern has shown the single-phase cubic spinel structure for x ≤ 0.02, while a small peak of DyFeO3 coexists with the cubic spinel structure for x > 0.02. A microstructural study shows that the grain growth of Mg–Cu–Zn ferrites depends on the Dy content. It is seen that the average grain size is found to be larger at x = 0.02, which could be ascribed to the densification of the sample. The complex magnetic permeability measurement has shown that the enhancement of permeability is evidenced by the amount of Dy content. The saturation magnetization (Ms) and coercivity (Hc) have been observed for all the studied samples. It has been dem onstrated that the magnetic softness property of the materials (for x = 0.02) has been improved due to the smaller value of Hc, which is also correlated to the grain size. Frequency-dependent dielectric constant and ac conductivity of the prepared samples have been investigated at 300 K. The dielectric property of the samples has shown dispersive behavior following the Maxwell–Wagner type of polariza tion. The Cole–Cole plots have exhibited a single semicircular arc for x ≤ 0.03, which indicates that the conduction mechanism occurred through the grain effect. An enhancement of the magnetic softness property has been improved due to the lower value of Hc along with the larger value of the initial permeability at x = 0.02. It is inferred that the composition with Mg0.4Cu0.2Zn0.4Dy0.02Fe1.98O4 will be useful in an inductor material in high quality of coil.

Influence of microstructure on the magnetic properties of Li-Cu-Mg-Zn ferrites: Role of Bi2Oaddition 

Faruque Ahammed, M. N. I. Khan, Muhammad Samir Ullah, M. A. H. Badhan, Redwan N. Sajjad, A. T. M. Kaosar Jamil


Influenceof Bi2O3additiononthemicrostructureandmagneticpropertiesofLi-Cu-Mg-Znferriteshavingthe compositionsLi0.25Cu0.10Mg0.10Zn0.30Fe2.25O4+xBi2O3(wherex =0.0,0.3,0.4,0.6and0.8wt%)havebeen reportedinthisstudy.ThestructuralpropertyhasbeenstudiedwiththeX-raydiffractiontechnique,which reveals thatall thesampleshaveshownthecubicspinelphasewithoutanyimpuritypeak.Amicrostructural analysisdemonstrates that thegraingrowthof the samples is influencedby theamount of Bi2O3 addition resultinganincreaseoftheaveragegrainsizefrom0.84(forx=0.0wt%)to2.47µm(forx =0.6wt%).The developmentofthegrainsizecouldbeattributedtothedensificationofsampleduetotheformationoftheliquid phase of Bi2O3 in the sintering process. Themagnetic hysteresismeasurement shows that the saturation magnetizationincreases from72.1(forx=0.0wt%) to77.6emu/g(forx =0.6wt%Bi2O3).However, it declinedatx =0.8wt%,whichmaybeascribedtothedilutioneffect.Thecomplexmagneticpermeability measurement shows thatanenhancementof the initialpermeabilityisclearlyobservedwiththeadditionof Bi2O3 content. It is inferred that acorrelationhasbeen foundbetweenthegraingrowthandthemagnetic propertiesof theinvestigatedsamples.Fouriertransforms infraredabsorptionrevealsthat thefrequencyband appearsinthehighfrequency(539–555cm1)rangewhichcanbeattributedtothestretchingvibrationsatthe tetrahedralsite.Thebandappearinginthelowfrequency(359–373cm1)rangeisfortheoctahedralsite,which isduetobendingvibration.Theelasticconstants suchasbulkmodulus,Young’smodulus, rigiditymodulus, Poisson’sratioandPugh’sratiohavebeencalculatedforall thestudiedsamples. Itshowsthatallsynthesized samplesareinductilenature.

Effect of V2O5 addition on the structural and magnetic properties of Ni–Co–Zn ferrites

M Samir Ullah, M Firoz Uddin , A A Momin and M A Hakim


Temperature and Substrate Effects on the Structural, Morphological and Optical Properties of Iron Oxide Thin Films Prepared

Zannatul Ferdous, Md. Samir Ullah and Sabina Hussain


 Electrical and Optical Properties of Zinc doped Titanium dioxide Thin Films

Fariha Anjum, Muhammad Samir Ullah , Jiban Podder, Md. Shahjahan , Md. Mizanur Rahman


Optical second harmonic generation study of a rubbed polyimide film containing steroidal structure side chains

Muhammad Samir Ullah, Shohei Asai, Yousuke Inomata, Khuat Thi Thu Hien, Goro Mizutani, Yoshitaka Murakami and Takashi Okada


Investigation of the correlation between microstructure and hysteresis curve of Li0.5-X/2CuXFe2.5-X/2O4 ferrites

M. Samir Ullah, S. Manjura Hoque, F. A. Khan


Structures and mechanical properties of talc and carbon black reinforced high density polyethylene composites: Effects of organic and inorganic fillers

Nasrin Parvin, M. Samir Ullah, Md. Forhad Mina, Md. Abdul Gafur


Structural and magnetic properties of Li-Cu mixed spinel ferrites

S. Manjura Hoque, M. Samir Ullah, F. A. Khan, M. A. Hakim, D. K. Saha


Studies on the Electrical Properties of Cu Substituted Li-ferrites

M. Samir Ullah, S. Manjura Hoque, F. A. Khan, Saroaut Noor, M. A. Hakim and D. K. Saha


Effects of Cd on Physical and Some Magnetic Properties of Co-Cd Ferrites

Saroaut Noor, S. S. Sikder, M. Samir Ullah, M. A. Hakim and Shireen Akhter


Structural stability of LixMg1-x binary alloys in real space approach

A. Z. Ziauddin Ahmed, M. Samir Ullah, G. M. Bhuiyan, S. M. Mujibur Rahman


Nonlinear optical interferometry study at the interface of organic thin films with indium tin oxide

Muhammad Samir Ullah, Siti Zulaikha Ngah Demon, Kazuki Matsumoto, Yoshihiro Miyauchi, Khuat Thi Thu Hien, Goro Mizutani and Harvey Rutt


New Method for Analyzing the Second Harmonic Generation Phase from the Interface between Indium Tin Oxide and Organic Layer

Muhammad Samir Ullah, Siti Zulaikha Ngah Demon, Kazuki Matsumoto, Khuat Thi Thu Hien, Goro Mizutani and Harvey Rutt


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