Please see the attachment.
According to the decision of yesterday’s meeting the membership form of the association is being kept in the departmental web page for alumni’s opinion (correction/change/extension) for 15 days (up to 15 June). Three representatives from alumni are chosen (Dr. Farhad, Dr. Rummana and Dr. Hari Narayan, who will accommodate the opinion and Prof. Jellur will cooperate them. Finally, Prof. Jiban Podder sir will check and a meeting will be called within 15 Days (30 June) and will be finalised. The detail meeting resolution will be circulated soon.
According to the decision of yesterday’s meeting the constitution of the association is being kept in the departmental web page for alumni’s opinion (correction/change/extension) for 15 days (up to 15 June). Three representatives from alumni are chosen (Dr. Farhad, Dr. Rummana and Dr. Hari Narayan, who will accommodate the opinion and Prof. Jellur will cooperate them. Finally, Prof. Jiban Podder sir will check and a meeting will be called within 15 Days (30 June) and will be finalised. The detail meeting resolution will be circulated soon.
Please see notice.
date and Time: 4 June/2024 (Tuesday) at 11:00 a.m.
Place: Physics Seminar
Speaker: Professor Dr. A.K.M. Saiful Islam, Institute of Water and Flood Management, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.
Please check notice for details. DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 30 JUNE 2024!!
Registration link:
If you are interested to submit abstract (optional) then please fill up also this form:
A seminar program on 29 April/2024 (Monday) will take place at 11:00 A.M. in the Physics Seminar Room.
Speaker: Dr. Md. Shahiduzzaman, Assistant Professor, Nanomaterials Research Institute, Kanazawa University, Japan.
Academic lecture on 21 April/2024 (Sunday) at 11:00 a.m. in the Physics Seminar Room.
Speaker: Professor Dr. Md. Kamrul Hassan, Department of Physics, University of Dhaka.
Academic lecture on 16 April/2024 (Tuesday) at 10:30 a.m. in the Physics Seminar Room.
Speaker: Professor Dr. Golam Mohammed Bhuiyan, Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Dhaka
Please find attachment.
Husband of Head of the Department, Prof. Dr. Nasreen Akter, has passed away. All the teachers, officers and staffs are expressing their condolences to Prof. Akter and her family.
PG examination has been shifted from Sunday (29-10-2023) to Monday (30-10-2023)
The 1st National Conference on Advances in Science and Technology organized by Faculty of Science, BUET will take place on 7-8 December, 2023. Please see the flyer for more details.
The link for abstract submission is :
Last date of abstract submission is 31 October, 2023.
Please see the attachment.
Please see attached file.
Please see attached file.
Please see attachment.
Please see attachment.
Please see attachment.
Please see attached notice.
Please see attachment.
Mother of Prof. Muhammad Samir Ullah has passed away. All the teachers, officers and staffs are expressing their condolences to Prof. Muhammad Samir Ullah and his family.
Son of Prof. Md. Mostak Hossain has passed away. All the teachers, officers and staffs are expressing their condolences to Prof. Hossain and his family.
Please see the attachment.
Please see attached file.
Please find the attached file.
Please see attached abstract.
Please find the attached notice.
Please see the attached notice.
Please find the attached notice.
Please find the attached result
Please find the attached seat plan notice
Please see the attached notice.
Please see the attachment.
Meeting ID: 641 5088 5259
Password: 696481
Please see the attachment.
Please see the attached notice.
Please see the attached notice.
Please find the attached abstract.
Meeting ID: 615 0703 9693
Password: 650883
Please find the attached abstract.
Meeting ID and Password
ID: 61805214211
password: 162927
Please find the attached notice.
Please find the attached notice.
Please find the attached notice
Please find the attached abstract.
ZOOM link
Meeting ID: 625 7900 1828
Passcode: 515011
Please find the attached abstract.
Meeting ID: 625 7900 1828
Passcode: 515011
Please find the attached abstract.
Meeting ID : 635 6601 4111
Passcode: 148073
Please find the attached notice
Please find the attached notice.
The students who are going to sit for the April 2021 Semester Final Examination, please check the attached instruction file, which says about the general guidelines about the Examination, and The format of the Top page of the exam Script.
Please see the attached schedule of the Semester Final Examination, which is going to be started from 7 November, 2021.
Please find the attached abstract.
ZOOM Meeting ID: 623 6382 7261
Password: 099419
Please see the attached notice of M.Sc./Ph.D. Fellowship.
PG students are advised to follwo the general instruction related to upcoming PG Exam.
Please find the attached abstract.
ZOOM Meeting ID: 676 7290 3521
Password: 910747
Please find the attached abstract.
ZOOM Meeting ID: 637 3961 5764
Please find the attached abstract.
ZOOM ID: 66845254080
Password: 737228
Please find the attached abstract.
Metting ID: 669 1629 0217
Password: 029060
Please find the attached abstract.
Meeting ID : 699 1718 3953
PW: 029060
Please find the attached notice regarding the online UG Exam Guidelines (April 2020)
Please see the attached lockdown notice.
Please see the class routine for the online PG Classes of April 2021 Semester. The online classes of the Postgraduate program (April/2021 Semester) was scheduled to be started from 24 July, 2021 (Saturday).
The online orientation program of the newly admitted Postgraduate students (April/2021 Semester) will be held on 28 July, 2021 (Wednesday) at 10:30 AM using Zoom platform. All the newly admitted students of the Postgraduate program (April/2021 semester) are instructed to join in the orientation program.
The Zoom link and ID of online orientation program are given below:
Zoom Link:
Please find the attached notice regarding the Eid-Ul-Azha Holiday
Please find the attached Notice regarding the Eid-Ul-Azha prayer
please find the Notice for M.Sc. students to be admitted in April 2021 regarding original document verification
Please see the attached notice regarding the lockdown from 23/07/2020 to 05/08/2020
Please find the attached urgent notice regarding submission of undertaking related to previous admission. Please submit your required document in pdf format naming it with Application Serial No. within next two days.
Dear Students
Please check the offered PG Courses for the April/2021 Semester in the notice below:
Admission Guidelines for the Postgraduate Admission is published (
Please complete your admission and/or registration according to the guidelines. Once the a admission and/or registration fees are paid, please mail the payment information to your advisor/supervisor through e-mail.
Adviser for New Students
M.Sc. |
Prof. Dr. Md. Forhad Mina |
M.Phil. |
Prof. Dr. Afia Begum |
PhD |
Respective Supervisor |
The advisor/supervisor wll approve/forward your online application and the registration process will complete.
Please find the attached abstract
ZOOM Meeting ID: 643 1532 5209
Password: 888637
Please find the attached abstract.
ZOOM meeting ID = 643 1532 5209
Password = 888637
Please find the attached notice regarding the National ID card for Covid 19 Vaccination
Please find the attached notice of lockdown extension.
Please find the attached Postgraduate Academic Calendar of April 2021
Please find the attached lockdown notice (From 01 July 2021 to 07 July 2021)
Please find the attached Notice regarding the online class of undergraduate and postgraduate levels during the lockdown.
Please find the attached notice regarding the lockdown.
Please see the list of finally selected candidates for the PG admission (April/2021 semester) in the notice below.
List of selected candidates for VIVA of PG admission test is published. Please the see the list in the notice borad.
The postgraduate admission test will be held on 24th June (Thursday) at 10:30 am. Seat plan with Zoom Meeting Link is already published. Students are advised to carefully read the following instructions
Please find the attached notice of the Undergraduate Physics Sessional Quiz (January 2021 semester)
Please find the attached seat plan for the mock test and final admission test (April 2021 semester)
Dear Students, please find the notice with the short-listed candidates for the written test (PG Admission, April/2021 Semester) below:
Please find the attached notice of the postgraduate admission test (April/2021 Semester)
please see the attached notice of lockdown extension.
Please find the attached abstract
ZOOM meeting ID = 652 1487 6658
Password = 907343
Please check the PG Final Exam Routine of April 2020 Semester in the attached file.
As you know the Postgraduate Final Exam (April 2020) will be held using Microsoft Team from 05 June, 2021 similar to the exam held for October 2019 semester. Please see the notice board/departmental website for the exam schedule. The duration of the exam will be 1 h 30 min and an extra 30 min will be given to upload the script in pdf format. See the detail instruction in the attached file.
Please see the attached notice of lockdown extension.
Please find the attached abstract
ZOOM Meeting ID:644 7173 4378
Password: 192458
Please find the attached abstract
Please find the attached abstract.
ZOOM Meeting ID: 669 2564 3093
PW: 520999
Please find the attached abstract.
ZOOM Meeting ID: 669 2564 3093
PW: 520999
Please find the attached notice of the new academic calendar (23.05.2021) for postgraduate student
please find the attached notice of academic calendar (24.05.2021) for undergraduate student.
Please see the attached notice of lockdown extension
Please see the attached notice.
Please see the attached notice of Lockdown Extension from 16 /05/2021 to 23/05/2021
Please Find the Attached New Academic Calendar for Undergraduate Students.
Please Find the Attached New Academic Calendar for the Postgraduate Students.
Please find the attached notice for more details
Please find the attached notice for more details
Please see the attached notice regarding the online class and term final exam for postgraduate students (Term: April 2021)
Please see the attached revised online academic calendar for the undergraduate class of different level/term
Dear Students,
You will be very glad to know that the Department of Physics, BUET is going to publish an e-magazine titled as ‘BUET Physics Bulletin’ in January 2022 aiming at fostering and circulating news and views about State-of-Art of Physics as well as original research findings in the fields of fundamental, applied, and interdisciplinary Physics.
For the ‘BUET Physics Bulletin’ two student representatives (one male and one female) will be choosen from a list of four (two male and two female) students. Please choose two male and two female candidates for the Student Representative posts, who are interseted and capable of helping in different respects of publishing the e-magazine, from the current/regular PG students and submit the list to "" within May 2021.
You will be very glad to know that the Department of Physics, BUET is going to publish an e-magazine titled as ‘BUET Physics Bulletin’ in January 2022 aiming at fostering and circulating news and views about State-of-Art of Physics as well as original research findings in the fields of fundamental, applied, and interdisciplinary Physics.
For the issue you can send informative/valuable/interesting write-up to the e-mail address “” on or before 31 August, 2021. Please see the attached file for details:
Suspension of Education Activities including online till 28/04/2021
Please see the attached notice for more details.
Speaker: Urbi Shyamolima Orchi, M.Sc. Student
Meeting ID: 667 7959 3362
Passcode: 250372
Please see the attached abstract.
Please see the attached Abstract
Speakers: Bablu Chandra Das, PhD student
Meeting ID: 695 6258 9328
Password: 154804
Please see the attached Abstract
Please see the attached Abstract
Meeting ID: 622 8637 2970
Password: 020518
Please see the attached Abstract
Speaker: Roksana Parvin, Ph.D. student
Meeting ID: 622 8637 2970
Password: 020518
Please see the attached Abstract
Meeting ID: 697 6857 0737
Passward: 246613
Please see the attached Abstract
Postgraduate Class Routine -April 2020
Postgraduate examination routine for the session of October' 2019 is given below:
Postgraduate students are advised to follow the general instructions given below:
Postgraduate students are requested to follow the following link for the thesis writing format and oral presentation format outline.
Post-graduate students must follow the Covid Health Safety rules during his/her stay at the laboratory. It is also decided that the students should take the permission from the Head of the department for the period during which he/she will work in the Lab over the weeks. The form for the permission is attached herewith. Please fill up the form to take the permission from Head of the Department.
On behalf of Head, Department of Physics, I am requesting you to attend PhD student seminar program on 09 September, 2020, Wednesday at 7: 00 PM in Zoom Line Platform.
Meeting ID :624 4534 9294 and Passward: 988762
Ph.D. Student
Student ID: 1014144011
Session: October/2014
Please submit your Research Proposal, PG Proposal, Exam Committee, Board of Exeminers, Application for Time Extension, etc through the CASR online portal using the link, which is activated from 1st September, 2020.
IQAC is going to organize a workshop for the Postgraduate students on the use of the CASR proposal submission portal on Saturday, 29 August, 2020. The workshop will start at 3:00 pm. PG thesis students are adviced to use the following link to register for the workshop by Thursday 5:00 pm.
Due to COVID pandemic the regular open seminar, usually presented before a final defense, will be held through Zoom platform. All concerned and the participants are requested to be connected with the departmental web-site in this regard.
অধ্যাপক ড. এম. আলী আসগর এর বর্ণাঢ্য জীবন
The Department of Physics, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology is going to organize a condolence meeting in the remembrance of veteran Prof. Dr. M. Ali Asgar via Zoom-Facebook Live on 8th August, Saturday at 7.30 pm (BD time). You are cordially requested to join on Facebook Live ( and you can make your comments there.
Dear PG Students,
On behalf of Head, Department of Physics, BUET, I would like to inform you that a meeting with all current PG students using Zoom will be held in 12 July at 11:00 AM (Sunday). Please attend the meeting in due time. The following link may use to connect the meeting.…
Meeting ID: 380 599 4247
Password: 434671
Orientation program for the newly admitted Postgraduate students of April/2019 session will be held on 15 June (Saturday). For details please visit admission page and the departmental notice board.
List of finally selected students for the Postgraduate Admission in April/2019 session is published. For details please visit admission page and the departmental notice board.
Seat plan for Seat Plan for PG Admission Test for April session 2019.
List of eligible candidates for the postgraduate aission dm(written) test) for the April 2019 semester is published.
The Postgraduate Admission Test for April/2019 session will be held on 25 May, 2019 (Saturday). For details please visit admission page and the departmental notice board.
Mother of Prof. A. K. M. Akther Hossain has passed away. All the teachers, officers and staffs expressing their condolences to Prof. Hossain and his family
Dr. Zaira Zaman Chowdhury, Assistant Professor & Industrial Training Coordinator, University of Malaya, Malaysia (One of my research collaborators) will visit our Department on 23 October, 2017 and will give an invited talk on 'Green Synthesis of Nano-particles and its’ potential Application: Environmental Perspective, Statistical Analysis and Modeling'