
Course Outline

Theoretical Courses:

Level 1/Term 1

PHY 101: Physical Optics, Waves & Oscillations and Heat & Thermodynamics (CE).

PHY 105: Structure of Matter, Electricity & Magnetism and Modern Physics (ME).

PHY 107: Physical Optics, Waves & Oscillations and Heat & Thermodynamics (WRE) .

PHY 113: Structure of Matter, Electricity & Magnetism and Modern Physics (NAME).

PHY 115: Physics (Light, Heat and Sound) (Arch).

PHY 117: Structure of Matter, Electricity & Magnetism and Modern Physics (IPE).

PHY 121: Waves and Oscillations, Optics and Thermal Physics (EEE).

PHY 123: Waves and Oscillations, Optics and Thermal Physics (BME).

PHY 125: Physics I (MME).

PHY 127: Physical Optics, Waves & Oscillations and Modern Physics (ChE).

PHY 129: Structure of Matter, Electricity & Magnetism, Wave Mechanics (CSE).

Level 1/Term 2

PHY 151: Structure of Matter, Electricity & Magnetism and Modern Physics (CE).

PHY 153: Structure of Matter, Electricity & Magnetism and Modern Physics (WRE).

PHY 159: Waves & Oscillation, Geometrical Optics and Wave Mechanics (ME).

PHY 161: Waves & Oscillation, Geometrical Optics and Wave Mechanics (NAME).

PHY 163: Waves & Oscillations, Physical Optics and Wave Mechanics (IPE).

PHY 165: Electricity & Magnetism, Modern Physics and Mechanics (EEE).

PHY 167: Electricity and Magnetism, Modern Physics and Mechanics (BME).

PHY 169: Physics II (MME)

PHY 171: Structure of Matter, Electricity & Magnetism and Nanophysics (ChE). 

PHY 173: Optics, Electricity & Magnetism and Electrodynamics (NCE)

Level 2/Term 1

PHY 201: Physic III (MME)

Level 2/Term 2

PHY 251: Quantum Mechanics (NCE)

Level 3/Term 1

PHY 305: Solid State Physics (ChE)

PHY 307: Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Materials (NCE)

Level 4/Term 1

PHY 401: Solid State Physics (MME)

PHY 403: Laser and Photonics (NCE)

PHY 405: Quantum Mechanics (CSE)